Annual Fund
At Red Fox, as at most independent schools, tuition alone will not meet our operating budget. And, as a school in development mode, we are also raising significant capital funds to adapt and grow our campus. We rely on generosity and support from you, our families and friends in the community, for charitable gifts toward the Red Fox Fund. Our incredible board members are so committed to our mission and vision, and with 100% participation the trustees are leading the way! We closed out Phase One of our Capital Campaign – creating a parking lot, installing temporary classrooms, upgrading to a public well system, bringing all the buildings up to code along with a long list of other projects! Now we are ready for Phase Two: building out our beautiful community barn.
Your support will help with so many aspects of school operations but also, importantly, with tuition assistance to support socio-economic diversity in our student body. Our students’ lives are directly impacted by the training and experiences Red Fox provides, which would be impossible without you! We have always reached 100% participation from our families, a very powerful statistic!
At Red Fox, it’s all about the students, so here are a few words from our three graduates of 2021!
"I love that we can act out our learning at Red Fox Community School and we have a lot of fun doing it."
-Rebecca Koss
"Red Fox is a place where creative ideas live and where there is love for the outdoors. Being at Red Fox taught me how to be more comfortable with the woods, to make deeper friendships and allow myself to be supported by the community."
-Edith Post
"Red Fox is important to me because it taught me how to create friendships, connect with animals and be better at math."
-Abby Dell'Aera
I invite you to join me in supporting our school in this exciting new era, finally on our own beautiful campus, with a growing student body, by contributing generously to the Red Fox Fund at one of these naturally inspiring levels:

I, and any of our board members, would be delighted to talk with you personally about the importance of your contribution to maintaining and developing our singular Vermont community school.
Warmest regards,
Maxine Linehan
Board Chair, The Red Fox Community School
Parent of Rebecca (class of 21') and Gabriel (3rd Grade)
Thank you!
Red Fox Community School is a Vermont nonprofit corporation and an approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Get in touch with us to discuss your donation or answer any questions at